Logo - guidelines and resources

The SHIP logo is copyrighted by the SHIP Collaboration.

It may be used in three variants: The full logo including the name of the collaboration SHiP and the acronym spelled out, only the symbol together with SHiP, and finally the symbol alone. It may be used on any background colour as long as it appears clearly and visibly. For this reason it also exist in purely black and in purely white. The logo itself may not be modified or re-coloured.

The intended use of the logo is on slides, papers, letters, and Website in association with material related to the work of the SHIP Collaboration. It may be used in any scale preserving the proportions of the logo. If a particular size is not available or cannot be made from the resources below, contact Richard.Jacobsson@cern.ch.

Transparent format and size adequate for use and scaling on PowerPoint slides and in Word documents (PNG)

Web browsers are not able to rescale a graphics object correctly without the effect of blurring. For this reason, they must be exported in the right size directly from the vectorized format. A few sizes are available below. If a different size is needed for a Web page, send a mail.

Acknowledgement: Thanks to Cinzia De Melis for redrawing and retouching the original logo to produce the final version.